The Let's Play Archive

Professor Layton and Pandora's Box

by Dragonatrix

Part 13: Diverging Path

Puzzle Remix

2. "The moon must be located two places below the diamond." If the moon is two places below the diamond, then the diamond must be in one of the top three spots. X already occupies the second spot, so the diamond is either the first or third space from the top, right?
3. "The circle must be somewhere above the diamond." If you combine the above statement with the information from Hint Two, it's clear that the only place you can put the diamond is the third spot from the top. Once you've placed the diamond, you should now have enough symbols in place to solve the rest of the puzzle easily.

2. Place a rose in the lower-right corner of the car, then think about where everything else needs to go.
3. To solve this puzzle, you need to put roses in five different spots.

W09 Mouse Escape!

Wait, hang on what's this?

1. Bring down the green upside-down L at the top-left corner to the same level as the top blue gate-shaped block. Once you've cleared a path, drag the blue gate-shaped block up.

Oh, it's a sliding puzzle. Well, let's just get this one solved right now then.

It's not a good one. Thankfully being DLC, it never has to actually get in your way and be an obstruction. It's more of a harbinger of sliding puzzles to come...


Right, so where were we?


Ah, right, everyone passed out.

No recap thing here because we're still mid-cutscene.

We get another short scene of... the train... that is still not worth making a standalone video of.

But, hey, remember when we were told about this tunnel? It was only last update so I hope so!

058 In the Tunnel

Puzzle Remix

Oh right, and just a heads up that all two of the puzzles in the main part of this update are mandatory. Sounds familiar?

1. To start, try to get all the cars going to the top track into their designated positions before worrying about the ones headed to the bottom track.
2. Tuck away the red car in the side track that sits between the top and bottom tracks. Then bring down all of the cars on the top track. Move that red car up into its designated spot on the top track.
3. You can use the trick highlighted in Hint Two to move any train car from the bottom track to the top track. Just tuck the car of your choice into the side track, and move all the cars out of the way that are blocking your path to the top track. Then it's just a simple matter of bringing that car out of the side track and up into its designated position.

Unlike the previous one of this ilk, I don't like this sliding puzzle quite as much. I do like it more than average for mostly the same reasons but it's much easier to rack up the turns counter from a mistake or two than before. It's like a reasonable increase in difficulty or something.




Do you know what happened in that tunnel, Luke?
Sorry, Professor, but I slept through the whole thing, too. And I had the strangest dream.

Switched tracks? You mean to say one of the train's carriages is now riding different rails?
It might not have been a dream after all.
If one carriage did split off from the train, it would no longer be bound for Luxenbelle.

I'm beginning to suspect that you're right on the money, Luke.
I hope the phantom town isn't as creepy as it sounds!

This is actually super-useful in demolishing the undoubtedly intended curve of getting Hamtaro in shape, but we'll get to that pretty soon at this point...

The Next Stop Is...

C'mon, passengers, let me hear you scream!

Of course! How could I have missed this?
Do you recall how this ticket was missing a destination?

Meanwhile, Luke's seeing what's going on outside until...

Oh, I get it now!

Really? But where, Professor?


This'll seem weird, but the second mandatory puzzle is sandwhiched between these two cutscenes. I could make it one long thing and just excise that for sure, but this is honestly probably easier and less confusing for anyone who stumbles upon this after the fact.

Ticket to Ride

I suppose that means we've almost reached our destination.

When did it get so dark?
What do you mean?

So, this is Folsense? It looks... almost like it's been abandoned if anything.



But I don't see Flora, Professor. Where could she be?

Flora! Where did you get off to?
I'm sorry, but the carriage was really stuffy, so when we stopped, I went outside for some air.
You went out alone? Are you crazy?!
It's dangerous out there. Who knows what kind of oddballs could be out lurking around!
Oh, well, I'll be more careful from now on.

Now, since we're all back together, why don't we get off this train and see where we are?

I suppose the good news is that we've finally resolved our second "mystery" now, huh? Still not gonna add this to the second post just yet though.

Anyway, there's nothing left on the train to do so let's see what this Folsense place is all about.


A Disquieting Atmosphere

Yes, I'd second that.
I'm sticking close to you two.

Oh, these must be pictures of the town.
Indeed, and old ones from the look of it. Judging by their condition, I'd say they're at least 30 years old.

Now Luke, don't tell me you actually forgot! Well, we'd best press on.

Considering how seldom it even comes up, it is very easy to forget honestly. It's something that gets easier to remember and also more relevant and less arbitrary the further in the series you go.

Oh well, time to see what's up with this place.

Aside from being big and empty, I mean.

Let's go!

So, uh, Folsense is quite the magical place.

Hmm, Layton's thinking hard about this one.

And suddenly the station is not awful?!

Just what is going on here?

But cautious as they were, nothing could have prepared them for the events to follow.


Next time: we begin the good better half of the game. It's not mostly terrible filler any more! Hurray!

Puzzle Remix

1. To find the answer, you have to fold the ticket in a particular way.
2. First, fold the entire ticked in half lengthwise. Next, fold the ticket lengthwise along the middle of each row of numbers. Fold it just so, and the top half of the top row of numbers will connect to the bottom half of the bottom row of numbers, revealing a string of letters.
3. The word "FOLSENSE" is written on this ticket. What number must belong in the cut-out portion in order to form an E when the ticket is folded?

Okay, so, the instruction manual. Right. Okay.

I don't have one. I've never had one. I got my copy second hand forever ago, so I just have the box and cart. The good news? You don't need it. Does it make it easier? No, no it does not. It makes it take longer and that's about it. You should have solved this puzzle during the cutscene in the update, honestly. The cutscene alone makes this easy.

Don't get it yet?

How about now? Does the in-game alternatve view make it easier yet? No? Okay, fine, here's a full-size version of the ticket just for you.

This is a scan of the American version of the ticket. Why the American one? It's what was on the Layton wiki is all. Like I said, I've never actually seen a physical ticket for this before. Also this one actually matches the cutscene from before; there's part of this one that was excised from the European versions because of translation niggles.

that aside this is a bad puzzle that i really dont like because its not even a puzzle really it just treats you like a moron and insinuates you need a physical prop to solve when you can do it in like three seconds just by looking at the thing

So, how about some better ones? We still have a lot of DLC to work through before the thread is done, y'know?

1. A chicken's eye. The direction a chick is facing. Pay attention to those things too!

1. Try actually marking the territories using the Memo function to make sure you don't make adjacent ones the same color.

1. In this setup, black is one move from victory. If you don't block black's winning move, you will lose. So you see where a white stone needs to go, right?

1. You know, twisting before forming a ring yields a completely different result that cutting an untwisting ring.

1. The key is the number of bridges connected to each spot. Take a close look.